- Best selection & best execution policy
- Conflicts of interests policy
- 2024 report on intermediary fees
- Customer complaints management
- Sustainability
- Compensation policy
- Privacy notice
BEST selection & best execution policy
All investment services providers should comply with the obligation to act in the best interest of their clients when executing orders resulting from investment decisions related to portfolio management.
To this end, in its capacity as a fund management company, SYQUANT Capital is required to take all reasonable measures to select the intermediaries to which orders are transmitted for execution (brokers and financial counterparties) and whose execution policies guarantee the best possible result when executing orders sent on behalf of the funds it manages.
In accordance with the regulations, SYQUANT Capital has put in place an Execution Policy. This Execution Policy notably requires that the orders should be registered and treated in a timely and accurate manner, with regard to market conditions.
This Execution Policy is based on:
- a standardized process for the selection of brokers and financial counterparties;
- an analysis of the reporting provided by the brokers and financial counterparties.
SYQUANT Capital uses a multi-criteria approach to select intermediaries. The criteria applied are both quantitative and qualitative and depend on the markets for which the intermediaries provide services, in terms of geographical coverage (global, pan-European or local intermediaries) and financial instruments traded (intermediaries specialized in the equity, debt instruments, convertible or derivatives markets).
Every criterion is subject to an assessment, which is allocated a weighting coefficient, thereby enabling an overall rating to be attributed. The analysis criteria notably cover the financial stability of the counterparty, quality and cost of execution, financing costs and global quality of the operational setup.
The intermediaries’ ratings are updated every year. Based on this, the list of selected intermediaries is also reviewed annually.
The Selection and Rating policy for intermediaries is available upon request at:
Conflicts of interests policy
In accordance with the regulations, SYQUANT Capital has established a conflicts of interest policy and takes all reasonable measures to identify conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of providing its business activities.
As a result of its size and the nature of its activities, a mapping of conflicts of interest has been drawn up. This mapping identifies the circumstances that give rise or may give rise to a conflict of interest.
It makes it possible for SYQUANT Capital to identify and, if necessary, fairly manage any conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of carrying out its services, between its own interests and those of its clients or between the interests of a number of clients.
In cases where SYQUANT Capital would consider that the deployed measures are not sufficient to guaranty, with a reasonable certainty that the risk of prejudice for its clients can be avoided, the company would inform in writing the affected customers about the nature or the source of the conflict of interests in order for these clients to be able to take their decision knowingly.
Additional information on our Conflicts of Interest Policy can be obtained from the management company upon request by Email to:
2024 report on intermediary fees
In accordance with the provisions of articles 319-18 (AIF) and 321-122 (UCITS) of the Règlement Général de l’AMF (« RG AMF »), when SYQUANT Capital uses investment decision support and order execution services, and the intermediary fees for the prior financial year exceeded EUR 500,000, the management company prepares a document entitled « Report on intermediary fees ».
Use of order execution and investment decision support services in 2024
In the context of transactions on listed shares, listed derivatives (futures & options) and corporate bonds done during the 2024 financial year and for the whole set of funds under management, SYQUANT Capital has used external research services in certain cases in order to compare its own analysis on certain opportunities. These services include but not exhaustively: financial analysis, economic research, specific analysis on certain segments and linking with other specialists. None of these services was engaged under any split commission agreement.
The quality of these research and order execution services is also regularly assessed by SYQUANT Capital and is subject to a specific procedure.
Breakdown of intermediary
Breakdown on intermediary fees paid on transactions listed above during year 2024 is as follows:
- Intermediary fees for investment decision support services represented 17.59% of the total.
- Orders’ execution fees represented 82.41% of the total of intermediary fees.
Percentage of fees paid back to third parties in 2024 under split commission agreements
In accordance with its investment policy and with the Best Selection policy, no split commission agreements is in place as at the end of the 2024 financial year. As such, from the total of intermediary fees paid during year 2024, the percentage of these fees paid back to third parties under the terms of such agreements, as mentioned in articles 319-17 (AIF) and 321-121 (UCITS) of RG AMF is null.
Prevention and handling of conflicts of interests
The selection of service providers and their assessment is duly governed by the intermediary selection policy and the conflict-of-interest policy. These policies are available upon request by e-mail at
During the year 2024, SYQUANT Capital did not identify any conflicts of interest in the selection of its intermediation service providers.
SYQUANT Capital, in accordance with the regulation, has implemented and maintains an operational procedure to quickly and efficiently process complaints made by its clients.
Any complaint may be sent by :
- email ;
- regular mail at the following address:
Attn. RCCI
25 Avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
Syquant Capital will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within a maximum of ten working days from the date it was sent, unless a response has been issued to the client in the intervening period. Except in duly justified exceptional circumstances, a response will be issued to the client within two months of sending the complaint.
In the event of an ongoing dispute, the client may contact the AMF at the following address:
Autorité des marchés financiers
Médiateur de l'AMF
17 Place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02
The AMF mediation request form and the Mediation Charter are available on the AMF website:
- Mediation Charter :
The information regarding sustainbility at Syquant Capital are available on the sustainability page.
In accordance with the UCITS Directive 2014/91/ EU of 23 July 2014, SYQUANT Capital has implemented a Remuneration Policy compatible with the sound and effective risk management applicable to categories of personnel whose professional activities have a material impact on the Risk profile of the UCITS it manages. Alongside several other criteria, the company’s decisions regarding compensation consider the integration of sustainability risks.
A summary of SYQUANT Capital’s Compensation Policy is available here. Upon request, a hard copy can be made available free of charge.
Privacy notice
In the course of the Funds' activities, we process or outsource the treatment of various personal Data. SYQUANT Capital’s privacy notice is intended to provide Data Subjects with information about the processing of their personal data. The privacy notice is available here.
In order to adhere to “best practices" in the protection of personal data, we summarize the main points of our policy below:
SYQUANT Capital S.A.S. (the "Company") collects personal data on the grounds of its legitimate interest, your consent, and/or its regulatory and legal obligations.
The Company collects personal data strictly and exclusively for the purposes of:
- prospecting and relationship management both contractual and non-contractual with its clients and/or investors including, at their inception, through pre-contractual measures;
- ensuring the Company's compliance with internal procedures and the regulations and legislation applicable to it, and;
- providing our services and/or products to you and/or any services and/or information connected to the provision of these services and/or products.
All personal data is kept for the duration of the business relationship and, where applicable, for a specified period after the end of the relationship, in accordance with the regulatory and legal obligations applicable to the Company.
To exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation, and deletion of this data, please send an e-mail to with a copy of your identity card.
To file a complaint to the data protection authority in France, please contact the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).
By communicating to us your personal data, you confirm that you have read and understood our Privacy Notice and consent to the collection of this personal data by SYQUANT Capital and to its treatment as described therein.